Oct 28, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Though I don't live anywhere near Essex, so couldn't vote for you, I wish you luck. But why call yourself a 'spokesperson'? Why not what you are: a Prospective Parliamentary Candidate? I believe it would carry more weight.

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We have to go through a period of probation before becoming official "candidates".

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Oct 28, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Oh, ok, that's fair enough!

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Oct 28, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

I shall certainly be voting for Reform UK when the next election comes along. We need to frack, turn the channel boats around, return the thousands of illegals who are already here, cut tax on fuel, cut VAT and green tax on gas and electricity and most important of all - get rid of the ridiculous net zero rubbish. I'm with you all the way.

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Oct 28, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Can't imagine a better person to be running the country, never mind the county. Wishing you luck

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Go Joel. How about. #ABetterReset - "... Raise the threshold at which income tax starts to £20,000 p.a. Ensure this is fiscally neutral by increasing the rate of income tax on those earning over £120,000 pa. Think about how together we can peacefully demolish the current Govern-Mental system and start over with a fairer, safer democratic system of, and for, the people! The 1% will 'still' be happy but own less! Whilst the 99% will be happier with a little more! Everyone wins!

If you read this manifesto and agree it sounds FAR better/safer/fairer than what we currently have, then please support and share! This maybe our only chance to help create a fairer planet for all. If enough of us join this organisation run by 'ordinary' people, then maybe we can change the future and avoid the Globalists wet dream, that seems to seek to financially enslave us and restrict/remove freedom surrounding travel and bodily autonomy!



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There are some good things there but I'm not about implementing a prescriptive manifesto but simply about listening to the issues that people want dealing with and dealing with them. Incidentally, the system I alluded to allows democratic participation on all major issues. No need for a 12% vote to get a referendum.

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Well done, and thank you for standing for your principles - very rare these days...

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Oct 28, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

The cancer in our nation has been growing in our institutions for decades and runs very deep. The fight will be long and dirty.

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Oct 28, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

So impressive that you are stepping up again , where you can be an ever louder voice for others .

It is exciting to read this because we don't see a lot of anything remotely close here in Canada run by the two WEFFERS that are currently in power until 2025 and I'd assume have the intention of extending that power by squashing any alternative views .

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Oct 28, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

I wish you luck! My inlaws live in Tewkesbury, but I'll let them know - in case they have friends in the Essex area. You might be interested to read Jeff Childers' "Coffee & Covid" substack today, where he lays out (30,000 ft view) the path forward, for us to reclaim public institutions and eventually see justice served. You're stepping right up - bravo!! Wishing you the best in this endeavor, from Florida USA.

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Oct 28, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

I think you will have a tough time standing against Kemi but I would love to see more independent MPs who have integrity and some experience of life outside Westminster. I would certainly vote for you if I lived in the constituency. Many people are ready for change from the current main parties and having people of your calibre standing is excellent. I hope you will make a difference and I wish you success.

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Realistically, I have to concur. However, if I can get her to debate some important issues and highlight the weaknesses in the Tory narrative, that's good enough.

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She seems quite sensible. If there's only one point of difference (jabs) then you definitely have your work cut out for you.

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No, she's got absolutely everything wrong where covid is concerned because she is following the govt script.

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That's what I was suggesting, that covid as the only point of difference is not enough. That she's sensible in other areas of controversy (i.e. LGB*T*Q).

But who knows.

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Oct 28, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

If only you were standing in Wetherby l could guarantee you at least 4 votes

Best of luck

You deserve to win

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Agree with you on all of your comments and analysis 100%. You have my absolute support as do Reform UK. As a critical thinker, like you, I have done my due diligence over the last few years and have been shocked to the core by what I have uncovered. In reality we live, not in a democracy, but in an ever increasing authoritarian regime that is being engineered by powerful actors, none of whom care one bit about the everyday people. Our current political landscape is, in my opinion, broken and the mass capture of it and all of our regulatory and bureaucratic systems by corporate interests is killing any chance of putting the needs of the people first. Good luck, I truly hope and pray that you and others like yourself who have stood strong on the side of humanity and democracy can prevail.

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Thank you , Groot!

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Oct 29, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Joel, I am a Saffron Walden resident and have followed your work throughout these crazy times, citing many of your data analysis studies across social media and within a growing local group of people who have questioned the narrative over recent years. Next time you are in Walden, I'd like to bring our group to meet you and listen to what you have to say. If you're up for this let me know. Meantime, best of luck with Reform.

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Let's make a date, Martin.

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Definitely. What's the best email to contact you on Joel?

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Oct 29, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

A voice of common sense ... best of luck

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Oct 29, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Good luck. You have the intelligence unlike the vasat majority of Parliament. I am also considering Reform UK as well as the The Freedom Alliance. These may have to go under an umbrella org, I don't know.

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Thank you. At last it seems like someone is thinking the same way as me and a lot of my family and friends. I wish you all the best for your new venture. Good luck.

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Oct 28, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Wow! Joel, you would be a great MP! And unlike most, would honor your commitment to your constituents. Go, Joel!👏👏

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